From the Department of Education of the City of Barakaldo, different educational programs are promoted aimed at both schoolchildren inside and outside the municipality, the general public and organized groups.

Throughout the year, guided tours are offered to all those interested in getting to know the Ramón Rubial Botanical Garden, every Wednesday (in Spanish) and Thursday (in Basque) working at 11:30 and some weekends.

Its duration is 1 hour and a half and prior registration is required.

Organized groups can request day and time to visit the Botanical Garden or Munoa, subject to availability.

Visits are free of charge.


Free visiting programs are held to the Ramón Rubial Botanical Garden aimed at the schools of Barakaldo, for schoolchildren of 5 years of Children, 3rd Primary and 4th ESO. Gainera, Zientzia Astean zehar batxilergoko ikasleentzako hitzaldi-tailerrak antolatzen ditugu. In addition, during Science Week, we organize workshop talks for Baccalaureate students, in collaboration with UPV-EHU.

Request your visit

If you are an organized group or association, you can specify date and time.

If you want to go individually, sign up for Wednesday visits in Spanish or Fridays, in Basque.

Findout :
Phone: 944375805

Garden Amig@s

All those interested in receiving information about the activities offered from Natur Gela can provide an email address, which will be included in the database of “Amig@s of the Garden”.

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