Errekatxo MTB Trail

  • Trail name
  • Activity
    MTB – Mountain-biking
  • Type of trail
    Medium-length circular MTB trail. This trail is suitable for medium-level riders, but it includes some more difficult stretches.
    There are a great many tracks, ranging from wide lanes to narrow paths through the woods.
  • Technical difficulty rating
  • Fitness rating
  • Length
    Total: 34.5 km
  • Altitude gain/loss
    Total: 1040 m./d+
  • Estimated completion time
    2 h 50 m.
  • Weather & observations
    Near the start there are three unlit tunnels. Front lights or other lamps are recommended.
    Can be used all year round. From the 20 km point onwards the conditions on the tracks and paths down to the Castaños district are liable to be wet. At that point you leave the main track and take a less widely used path through the woods. Water may build up in the wooded area, resulting in terrain that is muddy but passable.

Description & sights of interest

The trail starts at the Gorostiza municipal sports centre and heads through the Tellaetxe Park. Join the N4743 road, and after 300 m turn left into an old industrial estate. From there, take the Orkonera Green Trail, which runs along the former route of the Orkonera mine railway. The first stretch is not fully prepared. The first three tunnels are unlit, so your bike should be equipped with lights. At the 4 km point on the Green Trail you will come to a stretch laid out with a cycle lane, a footpath, well lit tunnels and recreation areas.
At the 6.5 km point leave the Green Trail, take the Larreineta road and then turn off onto the first woodland track, which will take you up Pico Mendibil with its telecommunications mast.
From Pico Mendibil head for the Peñas Negras / Ekoetxea interpretation centre. The trail takes you along rough, fun-to-ride paths with spectacular views, ideal for mountain-biking. Stop off to get your strength back at the interpretation centre cafeteria or refill your water bottle from the drinking fountain outside. Take the gentle climb up the main track to the 20 km point then take the side track towards El Tojo. This track runs through woods used mainly for lumber.
When you reach El Tojo, ride down towards the district of Castaños. This district is set in a beautiful valley well away from the hustle and bustle of urban life.
Then continue along the River Castaños to El Regato or Errekatxo. The name of the trail is drawn from this unique area. When you reach the picturesque district of El Regato, we suggest you park your bikes and try the local bars and restaurants before you go on to the end of the trail at the Gorostiza sports centre.

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