The municipality of Barakaldo was not a place where land warfare or offensive battles took place, or outstanding battles. Although it is important to mention that there were certain places that are related in one way or another to this theme.

Next, different spaces are rescued, such as the place where Felipe del Río’s aerial combat took place -which is considered as significant-, the blown up bridges -which symbolized strategic objectives and in this case suffered damages that forced their subsequent reconstruction- , the headquarters of the battalions -which were quartered in Barakaldo and which included an important contingent of Barakaldo in their ranks-, the Ugarte airfield -which was never used and a ship docked in the Portu Dock -which was enabled as a prison and detention center-.

Combate aéreo de Felipe del Río

Felipe del Rio air combat

Description of eventsDate : April 20, 1937Address : Along the Galindo river, on the Barakaldo side. At…

Puentes de Burceña

Bridges of Burceña

Gertaeren deskribapena Data : – Helbidea : Alzagua zubia Cadagua ibaiaren gainean Zorrotzako auzoak Burtzeñarekin lotzen…

Batallón 3º de ANV

ANV 3rd battalion

Description of eventsDate : -Address : C / Buen Pastor (Euskadi Training Fund)ANV had several delegations…

Aeródromo de Ugarte

Ugarte aerodrome

Gertaeren deskribapena Data : – Helbidea : Ugarten dago, Retuerto auzoan, Basurto eta Nocedal errepideekin mugan…

Buque-prisión Cabo Quilates

Cabo Quilates prison ship

Description of eventsDate : -Address : Docked at the Portu DockIn Barakaldo, the people who had stood…

Visit Barakaldo

Barakaldo Turismo

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