General union of workers

Description of events

Date : –
Address  General Meetings, 4

Despite the union plurality, unionism linked to the UGT was predominant. The number of affiliates – around 4,000 – and the number of groups that it already integrated in 1932 confirm this.

Mikel Aizpuru (vol I, p.108) points them out:

– Metallurgical Union of Vizcaya.

– Union of the Construction Industry.

– Trade Dependents’ Union

– Union of Various Trades.

– Society of Barbers and Hairdressers.

– Trade Union of the Textile Industry.

– Society of Municipal Employees.

– Association of Practitioners.

– Mining Union.

– Furniture Union.

To these should also be added, according to the Municipal Archive of Barakaldo, the “Society of Workers and Municipal Employees of Baracaldo”.

The UGT had its headquarters in the House of the People (Juntas Generales, 4).

On September 11, 1936, the College of the Brothers was occupied by the UGT to use it as a barracks for one of its battalions.

AIZPURU, Mikel (2010). Barakaldo, an industrial city: boom and consolidation (1900-1937). Vol. I. Bilbao: Beta III Milenio, DL

Barakaldo Municipal Archive

Place reference

Headquarters in the House of the People (General Meetings 4) 

BBK BUILDING: Built around 1928. It should be noted that it housed the first municipal library. Before its construction, this land was occupied by the House of the People, which was later rebuilt a few meters away.

State of conservation

The building was demolished after the Civil War.

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