Memory mural

Description of events

Date : –
Address : Herriko Plaza Stage

The Mural of Memory was born through BarakadoMemoriart, a project promoted by the City Council in collaboration with Bakeola, Coexistence, Conflict and Human Rights, Public Muralism and the Basque Government. 

Between March and June 2018 and thanks to a participatory citizen process, this mural was designed and painted, artistically depicting elements related to the recovery of historical memory. Some of the images that are expressed refer to the children of war, the factory context and representations of demonstrations and protests. 

This mural was inaugurated on June 20, 2018 with a public act in the Herriko Plaza. Dancing groups, Hala Dzipo, the Basque Government Spokesman, Josu Erkoreka, the mayor, Amaia del Campo, among others, participated in it.

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