Juan Ignacio Gorostiza school

Description of events

Center authorized for medical attention
Date : –
Address : C / Francisco Gómez, 60 

In the Historical Archive of Euskadi a document from the Government of Euzkadi is kept that analyzes the conditions of the so-called San Vicente schools due to the neighborhood where they are located to convert part of their building into a hospital:

“It has room for 120 beds. Enough toilets. Unable kitchen at all; You have to put another one or use the one that is going to be installed at the Miranda Hospital.

Good place for a priest’s room, pantry, etc. They don’t have any material: beds, kitchen utensils ”.

This document gives proof of the efforts of the Basque Government at that time to find adequate places to attend to the wounded arriving from the front.

Located in Francisco Gómez, 60, the old Juan Ignacio Gorostiza school is today the headquarters of the Ikastola Alkartu, in the heart of the San Vicente neighborhood.

Historical Archive of Euskadi
M 1082/3 – 3

Place reference

Located at Francisco Gómez 60, the old Juan Ignacio Gorostiza school is today the headquarters of the ikastola Alkartu, in the San Vicente neighborhood.

State of conservation

It is currently an ikastola

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