Description of events
Date : –
Address : C / Larrea (in the College of the Salesianos)
The Celtic battalion was number 30 in the Basque Army and number 6 in the CNT. Its commander was Manuel Mata.
Koldobika López recounted in his investigation on the Civil War in Barakaldo how some witnesses saw militiamen from the Celta battalion standing guard inside the confessionals that they had placed in the patio area as a sentry box, so as not to get wet and not get cold.
This battalion was located in Larrea, specifically garrisoned in the College of the Salesianos. At present, it is a private educational center of the Basque concerted network.
LÓPEZ, Koldobika (2016). The Civil War in Barakaldo. Eleven months of resistance. Bilbao: Beta Editions.
Place reference
This battalion was located in Larrea, specifically in the Colegio de los Salesianos (subsidized educational center).
State of conservation
Today it is still an educational center.