Description of events
War hospital
Date : –
Address : Av. A. Miranda, 5
The workforce that worked in the AHV industrial complex generated a huge demand for health care, if we take into account the harshness of the work and the low prevention of risks associated with it.
For this reason, in 1910 the project for the construction of an inverted T-shaped hospital designed by the architect D. Manuel María Smith was approved, which will be inaugurated at the end of the following year. The sanatorium, surrounded by gardens and trees, had about 25 beds and was used to treat sick workers, care for those injured from work-related accidents, and also as a maternity service for the workers’ wives.
During the Civil War, Altos Hornos de Vizcaya will put the hospital at the service of the needs of the moment, dedicating one of its pavilions to the care of the war wounded.
In 1988 the hospital entered the Osakidetza network, fulfilling the function of a regional hospital and taking the definitive name of Hospital de San Eloy, as it is known today, located at the height of Avenida Miranda, 5.
Place reference
The old AHV hospital was demolished and in its place the current Hospital de San Eloy was erected
Av. A. Miranda, 5