Description of events
Date : –
Address : C / Buen Pastor (Euskadi Training Fund)
ANV had several delegations by Bizkaia in charge of the registrations, cancellations and transfers produced in the party units, one of them was in Barakaldo, in Lutxana. Its commander was José Zapirain.
According to a testimony collected by Koldobika López, the men of this battalion trained by running up Mount Rontegi and thus also defended the summit.
A neighbor named Ana Mª Cermeño would sew socks and sing national hymns in exchange for food.
The headquarters of the third ANV battalion was located in the Luchana schools, in Vitoricha, in the Lutxana neighborhood.
LÓPEZ, Koldobika (2016). The Civil War in Barakaldo. Eleven months of resistance. Bilbao: Beta Editions.
Lekuaren erreferentzia
Lutxanako eskoletan, Vitorichan, Lutxanako auzoan.
Buen Pastor kalea (Euskadi Prestakuntza Funtsa) Sefanitro aurrean.
Kontserbazio egoera
Gaur egun udal institutua, oinarrizko lanbide heziketa eta SAC (herritarrentzako zerbitzua) da.
Egoera onean.